pgen  0.0.2
Simple CLI password generator written in C++
pgen - Simple Password Generator CLI written in C++


  • gcc/g++
  • make
  • ~/.local/bin in your PATH environment variable


$ sudo apt-get install gcc make
$ git clone
$ cd pgen
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/
$ vim ~/.bashrc
# Add this line to your bashrc or zshrc
# $USER = your username
# export PATH=/home/$USER/.local/bin:$PATH
# Change $USER with your user
$ source ~/.bashrc
# To build the binary from the source files
$ make build
# To copy built binary to the above directory so that it is available everywhere
$ make install
# To clean files and build while developing
$ make # or make all


  • [ ] Tests
  • [x] Docs
  • [x] Separation into proper header files